Home Events A walk in the woods with Eloi Glorieux

A walk in the woods with Eloi Glorieux

Eloi Glorieux takes us on a walk of about 6 km (2h30) through the Sonian Forest with the theme “The Sonian Forest and Climate Disruption.

The visible effects of climate disruption are no longer limited to the melting of polar ice or the death of coral reefs. The fauna and flora of the Sonian Forest are also manifestly suffering. During this walk we show how the monumental beech cathedrals of the UNESCO natural heritage site react to global warming, how the earlier shedding of leaves of the beech threatens the typical spring flowers and also the roe deer population, or how the early fledging of butterflies causes problems for the great tit. We will also look at the adaptation strategies used by forest managers to make the Soignes forest more climate proof.

Eloi Glorieux is a nature guide. He was also a member of the Flemish Parliament for GROEN and has worked his entire career as an energy and climate campaigner, first for several years with antinuclear organizations and then for several decades with Greenpeace Belgium.

We start at 14h at the Rood Klooster (Rouge-Cloître), near the entrance of the Arts Centre, in Auderghem.

Register on www.houseofcompassion.be/inscription


10 Apr 2022


14:00 - 17:00