Home Events Climate mobilization for a European climate law

Climate mobilization for a European climate law

After a superb mobilization on March 28 everywhere in France, on May 9, the French climate movement is mobilizing again for a real Climate Law. For this day of May 9, which is also the feast of Europe, in all European countries, we will mobilize for a real European climate law and more social justice. To comply with the Paris Agreements, the European Union must reduce its emissions by at least 65% ( recommended by UN scientists for Europe). By creating a strong legislative framework such as: a more ambitious 2030 objective, the obligation to stop fossil fuel subsidies, an independent evaluation and the possibility of going to court, Europe would give itself an effective tool to respect its commitments.

Currently under discussion between the 3 institutions (Council, Commission and Parliament), this European climate law risks being greatly weakened by the interests of states and lobbies. This is why we must make this May 9 a great day of mobilization throughout Europe to put pressure on our elected europeans . We will also be in the streets for more social justice knowing that the main victims of economic, health and climate crises are the most precarious populations . We are therefore open to citizen convergences with the program of many animations.


Greta Thunberg in front of the European Parliament on October 6, 2018 during the 2nd Rise for Climate mobilization.


09 May 2021


14:00 - 16:00