Home Events The shelter crisis

The shelter crisis

In Belgium, asylum seekers are entitled to a bed, a bath and bread. Yet, an estimated 3,000 of them are currently sleeping on the streets or in squats. What is going on and how can we strengthen public support for the reception of asylum seekers?
Europe is also facing difficulties in its asylum policy. A report from 11.11.11 reveals large-scale illegal pushback practices. And within European borders, calls for longer and higher fences are resounding. What would be the consequences of more fences? And how can international law be enforced?
The Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and CNCD-11.11.11 give their analysis and propose solutions. Alexis, representative of Burundian asylum seekers in Anderlecht, comes to testify about his experience of seeking asylum in Belgium.


11am-1pm :

  • Alexis, representative of the Burundian asylum seekers community (French, translated simultaneously into Dutch and English)
  • Thomas Willekens, Policy Officer at Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen (Dutch, translated simultaneously into English and French)
  • Cécile Vanderstappen, Research Officer on Migration Justice at CNCD-11.11.11 (French, simultaneous translation into English and Dutch)
  • Friendship without Borders

For simultaneous translation, ask for an earpiece at the reception.

Lunch at our long table, hosted by Christa & Rose-Mary.
Soup prepared by priest Daniel Alliët.
A contribution is not mandatory, but always welcome.
In cooperation with: Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, CNCD-11.11.11 and Friendship without borders.



01 Apr 2023


11:00 - 13:00

