Expo Picaflores
In Latin America, it is mainly the indigenous peoples who demand justice for Mother Earth, their raison d’être. Like no one else, they have understood for centuries that without respect for what surrounds them, the forest, they have no chance of survival…
On the occasion of Matahma Ghandi’s birthday, Picaflores is inaugurating an exhibition on the theme “The Beauty of Mother Earth”. The main objective of the exhibition is to highlight the beauty of Mother Earth. Representatives of the Peruvian neo-Amazonian art style invite us to honour her as our own mother. The style includes the realistic representation of the rainforest on the one hand and the rich symbolism of the indigenous peoples reflecting their cosmic vision of the Earth and the Universe on the other. During the opening (2/10), lectures and guided tours will provide a link to Ghandi’s ideas:
The Earth has enough resources to meet everyone’s needs, but not enough to satisfy everyone’s greed.
Picaflores.org is a not-for-profit organisation that creates a concrete and structural impact on sustainable living and production worldwide. Supported by scientific knowledge, projects and initiatives are helped by hands and resources to become self-sufficient. They also initiate and support projects around nature conservation and awareness raising. Tonkiry, the art exhibition project on fragile ecosystems, is one example.
This exhibition is a not-for-profit project that benefits the Cerrado in Brazil, the lungs of our Earth. The Cerrado is a 45 million year old ecosystem in Brazil that has already been more than 50% destroyed by intensive monoculture for export, especially soya for (our) cattle feed.
Hourly Schedule
Opening hours (of House of Compassion)
- 14:00 - 17:00
- Sunday
- 11:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday to Saturday